• Overview
  • Iterinario
  • Included
  • Don't Included
  • we remocomend to bring
  • Route: Southwest Face (Normal Route, the French Route)
  • Difficulty: Very hard – technique. AD+
  • Location: Cordillera Blanca.
  • Duration: 7 days / 6nights.
  • Average temperature: Between 13° C – 23° C during the day/ at night -05°C to – 02°C on the top – 10°C.
  • Preferred time: May – August.

Alpamayo is one of the most popular technical mountains in Cordillera Blanca. It has been declared one of the most beautiful mountains in the world and this nomination attracts climbers from year to year. Alpamayo is a technical mountain that requires experience, 2 climbing axe and it is recommendable to go with a certified mountain guide. The beautiful wall of Alpamayo is about 60 degrees with a steeper last part - about 70-80 degrees. In the itinerary there is one extra day in case of bad weather or the need to acclimatize more. From the Camp 1 you can also climb Quitaraju (6040m).

Nevado Alpamayo It was considered by the newspaper Alpinismo (May 1966) as the “most beautiful mountain in the world”a climber's all dream

DAY 01: HUARAZ 3100 masl - CASHAPAMPA 2900 masl - LLAMACORRAL 3760 masl.

After the breakfast in the hotel we will board in our private bus to go along the Callejón de Huaylas in the north side of Huaraz. passing the different districts such as: Carhuaz 2650m, Yungay 2500m, after this city, we will get the Caraz city 2250m, then we will continue our travel to get the last Distrit Cashapampa arriving around 10:00am, where the Donkey Driver will be waiting for us to transport our Camping equipments , from here we will start hiking up, after walking 2 hours and half we will have lunch, then we will continue hiking up, after hiking up for 4 or 5 hours we will get the first camp named Llamacorral, arriving around 4pm. Overnight camping at 3760m


Today we will hike along the valley moderate enjoying the beautiful lakes called Ichiccocha and Jatuncocha, turquoise lakes, then we will arrive to nice spot where we will have lunch at the place called Quisuar, after it we will climb up to the Alpamayo Base Camp, we will get here early and prepare and check our climbing gears for the next day, overnight at 4300m.

DAY 03: BASE CAMP 4300 masl - MORAINE CAMP ALPAMAYO 4800 masl.

After the breakfast we will start climbing up for about 3 hours rocky path and get the Moraine camp, where we will enjoy a splendor views of the mountains Artesonraju, Paria, Pucajirca and others, after the pitch the tents we will check our climbing equipments for the next day and overnight camping over 4800m.


After breakfast, we will climb the glacier for about 4 hours and a half, where we will put our climbing equipment for continue climbing, then we will get the camp and will have dinner later afternoon and rest, overnight camping at 5550m.

DAY 05: CAMP 1- SUMMIT ALPAMAYO 5947 masl - CAMP 1

Today the breakfast will be at 2 or 3:00am in the morning, and we will start climbing using head lamps, and after 1 hour approx walking in the snow we will get to the base of the wall (Ferrari route) the inclination is approximately 75 , then we will start climbing the wall, and after 2 or 3 hours climbing we will succeed the summit 5947m, where we will have impressionist white mountain peaks. And after enjoying for a few minutes we will come dawn rappelling with the help of our guide, arriving at the camp place at 11 or 12 am and just for lunch, and rest in the afternoon, overnight in the glacier at 5550m.


After the breakfast in the Camp 1, we will take the same route to go back to the Moraine Camp, then we will continue going down to the Base Camp, arriving at the Base Camp around 3:00pm and overnight camping in the Base Camp at 4300m.


Today we will come back walking down the hill along the Santa Cruz valley enjoying the nice view of Jatuncocha and Ichiccocha Lake, till Cashapampa, where the transfer will be waiting for us and will have a last stop for lunch, after lunch we will aboard our private transfer to return Huaraz, for about 3 hours and half. Arriving to Huaraz around 4:00 pm.

  • 5 MEALS PER DAY: (breakfast, snack, lunch, tea time, dinner).
  • BREAKFAST: omelet, pancake, fruit salad, serial, scrambled eggs… coffee, tea, milk, chocolate, butter, jam, cheese.
  • SNACK: fresh fruit, chocolates, crackers, cookies, sweets drinks.
  • LUNCH: salads, soups, rice, chicken, coca tea.
  • TEA TIME: different hot drinking’s, coffee, tea, milk, chocolate, crackers, popcorn, pizza, and Tequeños.
  • DINNER: different kind of soups, salads, main courses, pasta, chicken, trout, beef, vegetarian options available, dessert, hot wine
  • Mountain Guide (AGMP - UIAGM) ( English spoken).
  • first aid kit.
  • Certificated cook.
  • private transport.
  • Donkey driver.
  • Donkeys.
  • Porters.
  • Sleeping tent superior (04 season) (North face -Doite 03 person in only for 02 person).
  • Special mat. (size 2.00 c.m X 60 c.m X 0.5 c.m).
  • Kitchen tent (Base Camp).
  • Dining tent (Base Camp).
  • Toilet tent(Base Camp).
  • Group Climbing gear (Crampons, Harness, ice axe, rope, Helmet etc).
  • Kitchen and dining full utensils. Chair, table, stove, gas, plates, caps, forks (Base Camp)
  • Hot water to clean up your hands and face.
  • Boiled water to fill your bottle every day.
  • Include last day typical dinner and drink.
  • Travel accident and health insurance.
  • Entrance fee to the Huascarán National Park, S/ 150.00 soles per person.
  • Horse (in case of emergency, for trekking parts).
  • Travel luggage and Travel cancellation insurance.
  • Not mentioned food and beverages.
  • Don’t include first breakfast.
  • Personal Spending.
  • Personal climbing equipment (sleeping bag, heat lamp)(if you don't have it, you can rent it here).
  • travel cancellation insurance.
  • snow glasses, appropriate clothes, personal medicines, etc.).
  • Tips.
  • Gloves (Good gloves).
  • 1 Ice axe (per person).
  • 2 carabiners lock (per person).
  • 1 Deysichay (Life Line).
  • 1 ATC descender (Rappel).
  • 1 Cord for prusik.
  • Cap for cold.
  • Small backpack.
  • Long-sleeved shirts.
  • Cotton short-sleeved shirts or t-shirts.
  • Fleece or Wool sweater and/or trousers
  • Lightweight pants.
  • Regular and long underwear (at over 13,000 ft./4,000 masl).
  • Medium weight parka with fibber fill or down.
  • Light cap and wool hat.
  • Rain poncho (or rain gear).
  • Water bottle.
  • Light gloves.
  • Medium weight socks.
  • Hiking boots.
  • Sleeping bag (-10º to 0ºC).
  • Day Backpack or advance.
  • Strong waterproof duffel bag.
  • Sunglasses, Sun block, lip balm.
  • Flashlight with spare batteries and bulb.
  • Towel.
  • Gloves (Good gloves).
  • 1 Ice axes (per person).
  • 2 Locking carabiners (per person).
  • 1 Daisy Chain (Life Line).
  • 1 ATC descender (Rappel)
  • 2 Cords for prusik
  • Harness
  • Missing Something? Ask Us.

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