• Overview
  • Iterinario
  • Include
  • Don´t Include
  • Difficulty: 6/10.
  • Duration: 7 hours total driving, 6 hours total hiking
  • Location: Cordillera Blanca.
  • Average Altitude: 4604 meters.

Lake 69 is one of the most beautiful turquoise glacial lakes in the cordillera blanca. During the tour you will see also the Llanganuco's lake (Chinancocha and Orconcocha) excellent view to the mountains Chacraraju (6112m), Pisco (5752m) and Yanapacha (5460m) Huascaran (6769m) Beatiful Quenual forest and impressive glacial waterfalls.

Pickup is around 5AM at your hostel, you'll get to the Laguna trail head around 9am after a stop for breakfast (Not included). The trail head starts at about 3900 meters and it takes about 3 hours to reach the Laguna 69 and 2 hours to return to the trail head where transport will await you.

  • Transport.
  • TAsistence of the Guide.
  • First Aid kit.
  • includes lunch.
  • National Park Entrance Fee: 30 soles per person.
  • tips.

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